[復旧済] Teams会議のURLが正常に開かない / Teams meeting Trouble (7/11 16:12-7/12 18:30)


  • 発生日時:2022/07/11(月)16:12 – 2022/07/12(火)18:30
  • 影響:Teams会議のURLを開くと通常は会議の参加方法を選ぶボタンが表示されるところが、何も表示されない場合がありました。


There was a problem with the meeting URL in the Microsoft Teams.
It was recovered.
We are very sorry to all the students who could not attend the online meeting due to this trouble.
Teachers, please consider not to put your students at a disadvantage due to this trouble.

Start time: Monday, July 11, 2022, 4:12 PM (7:12 AM UTC)
End time: Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 6:30 PM (9:30 AM UTC)
User Impact: Users may have been unable to join meetings from a meeting URL in the Microsoft Teams web application.