[障害復旧] 2/8(水) Microsoft Teamsで障害発生/Microsoft Teams Trouble
Teamsの障害は、2/8 17:00頃 に復旧しました。
障害発生日時:2023/2/8 5:25 – 2023/2/8 17:00
参考: https://twitter.com/MSFT365Status/status/1623103903448371202
※ Teamsアプリの利用に問題がある場合は、一旦サインアウトしてから再度サインインしてご利用ください。
The Teams failure was restored around 17:00 on February 8th.
Failure date and time: 2023/2/8 5:25 – 2023/2/8 17:00
Problem details: Teams sign-in fails, key functions (meeting creation, meeting joining, one-on-one chat) are unavailable.
Failure cause:
Microsoft 365 network failure
Reference: https://twitter.com/MSFT365Status/status/1623103903448371202
* If you have problems using the Teams app, please sign out and then sign in again.
2/8 9:00頃から、Microsoft Teams に障害が起きているようです。(アジア太平洋地域)
はじめ各種Microsoft365 Webサービスにも障害があります。
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/MSFT365Status
[Downdetector] https://downdetector.jp/
From around 9:00 on February 8th, it seems that Microsoft Teams is having a problem. (Asia Pacific region)
The user can’t access a team or meeting, or the service seems to be malfunctioning.
Teams, Hiroshima University email (@hiroshima-u.ac.jp), and office email (@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp)
There are also failures in various Microsoft 365 web services.
Microsoft is currently investigating and working to fix this issue.
You can check the latest status below.
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/MSFT365Status
[Downdetector] https://downdetector.jp/