[復旧済み] 学内からの接続でも多要素認証を求められることがあります/ [Recovery] Multi-factor authentication may be required even when connecting from on-campus

(English version follows.)

本障害は、2023/7/12 17:45 に完全復旧しました。

The issue has completely been resolved on July 12, 2023 at 5:45 PM.

(2023/7/12 update)


2023/6/12 20:45 に暫定対策を行いました。

We took temporary measures on June 12, 2023 at 8:45 PM.
The issue has mostly been resolved, but may recur for some users.
We are working towards a complete recovery.

(2023/6/13 update)


From May 31, 2023, multi-factor authentication may be required even when connecting from on-campus. We are considering countermeasures.
