12/4(水) メディアセンターの端末室一部閉室について / Partial Closure of the IMC PC Room
- 日 時:2024年 12月 4日 (水) 終日
- 対象端末室:霞キャンパス 基礎講義棟1階 端末室
Due to server maintenance, the PC room will be closed during the following period.
- Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 All day
- Target PC room: Kasumi campus Basic Lecture Building 1F PC Room
However, the following PC rooms will be open.
・Higashi-Hiroshima campus IMC Main Office 2F PC Room
・Higashi-Senda campus Higashi-Senda Innovative Research Center 2F PC Room
Thank you for your understanding in advance.