[復旧/Recovery] 11/17 DNSサービスの障害 (学内サービス[moodle等]にアクセスできません) / DNS Service Outage (Unable to Access On-Campus Services [moodle etc.] )
2024/11/17 8:44頃 に障害は復旧しました。
The failure has been recovered 8:44 AM on November 17, 2024.
(Updated: 2024/11/17/9:52)
(English version follows.)
DNSサービスの障害により,hiroshima-u.ac.jp で提供するいくつかのサービスへアクセスできない障害が発生しています。
発生日時:2024/11/16 23:30 ごろから継続中
症状:hiroshima-u.ac.jp で提供するサービスへアクセスできません(インターネットおよび学内から)
- 広大moodle
- ホスティングサービス
(English version)
Due to an issue with the DNS service, some services provided under hiroshima-u.ac.jp are currently inaccessible.
We are currently investigating the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your patience until the issue is resolved.
Start Time: Ongoing since around 11:30 PM, November 16, 2024
Symptoms: Unable to access services provided under hiroshima-u.ac.jp (from both the internet and within the campus network).
The services known to be inaccessible (at present):
- HIRODAI Moodle
- Hosting services
Please note that this issue does not affect access to the official website, Momiji, or Hiroshima University Mail.